When any of us make the 3 mile trek along the beach from the condo to Bucerias, we can’t wait to have a cold drink on the deck at Dugeral’s as well as the shrimp salad. The breeze is fantastic on the upper level and the view goes on forever. We usually get ourselves all rested up and cooled down from the journey and then head to the square and the flea market. Usually I like to end the day at Bucerias with a nice cup of Mexican coffee and a stroll over the Paseo de Besa. There we can enjoy some art galleries and cute boutiques (yes, this is where my friend bought every cute top in the store!). As for me…just give me my nice cup of coffee with a lovely hint of cinnamon as the sun goes down.
On the Water at Dugeral’s Thatch Restaurant
July 8, 2010 by 1 Comment
I agree. After about a 4 mile walk on the beach, this is the best place to cool down and enjoy lunch. Of course, you can drive here, too. Amongst the usual activities, we even saw people horseback riding on the beach. Next time, I’m on one of those horses 🙂