This is my favorite day or night cruise! The staff is entertaining, the views are gorgeous and you can see all of Puerto Vallarta from the water on the way to the beautiful shore of Las Caletas. There you will enjoy a delicious island buffet, all you can drink, snorkeling and fun in the sun. On the way back you may see whales and dolphins. This cruise is the best of the bunch. At night it is called Rythmns of the Night and is is very romantic. The island is loaded with tiki torches that welcome you when the boat lands. Don’t miss this trip whether you go during the day or night, it is money well spent!
Las Caletas is our Favorite Day Cruise!
Don’t Miss a Night at Philo’s in La Cruz!
Music, music, music. Everywhere you go there is live music playing in La Cruz (just past Bucerias) there is live music at Britannia’s, Ya Ya’s, Anna Banana’s, Cascada’s, Hikuri’s, Black forest, even in the plaza during the new farmer’s market on Sundays.
Philo’s is now open on Sundays and everyday except Mondays. Philo and the Mexican Shuffle Band play every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Music starts at 8 p.m.
This is a family oriented type of bar/restaurant. I just loved Philo’s fantastic band, the calypso music and dancing until midnight!  Don’t miss a night at Philo’s in La Cruz!!
I never thought I would ZIP!!
Talk about a day of fun AND EXERCISE! There are a few ziplining excursions but the Canopy Tour is the best and the highest. So well run and safe. When I saw the youngster’s (well young teens), I figured this ole gal could do it and with that stiff upper lip, Ann and I bought our tickets and never looked back. Can you say FUN? What a blast. So don’t miss the opportunity to go Ziplining when in Puerto Vallarta!
On the left is my friend Sue who just loved zipping while at the condo with her husband Dave. Ann and I are on the right looking the part, lol. The outfit definitely did nothing for us!
Don’t Miss the Puerto Vallarta Zoo!
In Chicago we have Brookfield Zoo, considered one of the best in the country. In Puerto Vallarta we have an altogether different type of zoo in that you can get much closer to the animals and interact with them..ummm…maybe more than you should! We ended up petting the giraffe, feeding flamingoes and hippo’s right from our hands and we witnessed a goat catching a ride on the back of the hippo! Yes, the rules are more relaxed but that makes for a great experience if you have the guts :)   I have to admit that this day trip to the Zoo and lunch at the Vista Grill afterwards is one of my finest memories.
Sherry, Ann, Chris and I had so much fun that day! Just not sure I liked how much those Pink Flamingo’s followed me (Maybe because I am Italian, lol). We were able to get so close and feed most of the animals. Very cool!
Plenty of Activites
My sisters and I had so much fun on this Mexican vacation trip. We have traveled to Mexico many times but could not believe how nice it was to get off the elevator and have 3 beautiful pools and the ocean. We parasailed, rented jetski’s, snorkeled and took the Pirate Cruise (What fun!!). Everything went so smoothly and we look forward to renting from you again.
Lorraine, Judy and Bernie